Previously, On Kickstarter… exists to bring you a list of all the board game campaigns released the previous day (or since Friday for the Monday edition). A round-up of the previous day’s offerings for any and all BGG-listed projects with credited designers and artists.

Previously, On Kickstarter… #352

Today’s Previously features Aeon’s End: Legacy of Gravehold, Batman: The Dark Knight Returns – The Game, Business as Usual, Cakes!, Candy Wars, Chamber of Wonders, Crimson Company: Wildwood Tales, Dawn, Dawn on Titan, Finding Anastasia, Formation, Hunted: Wode Ridge, Judean Hammer, Orconomics 2nd Edition, Ragnarocks, The Red Dragon Inn 8 – Pub Crawl!, Root: The Marauder Expansion, Sabobatage, SINS Season 2: Spawn of Minions, Tiny Epic Dungeons, Tiny Turbo Cars, Wakening Lair The Dark Forest, and Wutaki.

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