The purpose of Kickstart This! is to alert our readers to Kickstarter campaigns entering their final week. These are the pick of the Kickstarter litter in our opinion, and if we could, we’d be personally backing every last one of these.

So take a look at these campaigns if they haven’t yet crossed your radar!

*Kickstart This! will be going on indefinite hiatus at the end of 2020. The Kickstarter-related content represented here (recommendations of current campaigns) has already been incorporated into the Twice-Monthly Update Videos. Please check out my Youtube channel, or continue to enjoy those videos as they’re posted here at this site.

Kickstart This! #237: Fire Tower: Rising Flames Expansion + Reprint

“A competitive game where players must fight fire with fire, protecting their own tower while spreading the blaze towards their opponents. In the Rising Flames Expansion, rapid crown fires, heavy winds, and tumultuous weather threatens the forest. Defend your tower with a powerful new deck and a flock of legendary firehawks. Beware the growing influence of the Shadow of the Wood, as destroyed towers now have a host of new abilities with which to claim a surprise victory. The Rising Flames Expansion adds a solo mode along with new variants of play and a flock of custom meeples.”

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