Kickstart This! #64: DinoGenics: Controlled Chaos & 2nd Printing

Designer: Richard Keene (DinoGenics)
Artists: Tan Ho Sim (The Silver River, Vigilante), Anthony Cournoyer (City of Gears; Crisis; Rattle, Battle, Grab the Loot), Nikola Matkovic
Publisher: Ninth Haven Games (DinoGenics)
Genre/Mechanisms: hand management, set collection, tile placement, worker placement
Funding Status: At the time of this posting, DinoGenics is already fully-funded. In fact, pledges currently total almost 9x the initial funding goal, with 12 days left to go on the campaign.
Player Count: 1-5
Solo Mode: yes
Complexity: medium-heavy
Risk: medium-high
What It’s About: The first expansion to the OTHER dinosaur park-themed worker placement game, DinoGenics, along with a second printing of the base game.
How It Works: DinoGenics is played over 7 Seasons, with each Season divided into 2 Phases, Open Season and Upkeep Phase. Open Season consists of: Determining Player Order Based on Reputation, Assigning Visitor Based on Player Order, Assigning Bonus Visitors, Receiving 1 Credit for Each Visitor in the Park, Resolve the Breaking News Card and Draw a New Upcoming Card, Draw One Random Tile to Each of the 2nd/3rd/4th Facility Stacks in the City Center, and finally, Place One Worker Per Turn Until None Remain. Considering this is a worker placement game, that last step comprises most of the Open Season and most of the game in general. During the Upkeep Phase, players will: Feed All Carnivores, Check for Rampage & Roll if Necessary, Gain 3 VPs for every 2 Visitors leaving the Park Alive, Gain Victory Points From Dinosaurs & Facilities, Gain Resources From Dinosaurs & Facilities, Return Workers From the Mainland Board to Each Player’s Park, and Advance the Visitor Overlay One Column to the Left.
After 7 Seasons, end game points are scored for the following: Facility Points (if undamaged), Dinosaur Variety, 1 VP for every 3 Credits, 1 VP for every 2 DNA Cards remaining, -6 VP for every Scandal token.
The new Controlled Chaos expansions adds in: 7 new Species including 5 Aquatic Creatures, each with their own traits, as well as new strategic options with large Facilities, Specialists, and Refined DNA.
Comparisons: Dinosaur Island, what else?
What Should I Pledge?:
$10 First Printing Upgrade Kit: a copy of the newly revised DinoGenics rulebook, two board update stickers, an updated facility tile and manipulation cards.
$34 DinoGenics: Controlled Chaos: the new expansion with all stretch goals.
$68 DinoGenics Base Game: a copy of the 2nd printing of the base game.
$98 DinoGenics + Controlled Chaos: a copy of the 2nd printing of the base game, and the new expansion with all stretch goals.
$10 First Printing Upgrade Kit
$4 Ammonite Meeple Set
$7 Corrupted T-Rex Meeple Set
KS Exclusives:
All-In Total: In the continental U.S. you’re looking at $98 for DinoGenics + Controlled Chaos and $17 in shipping for a total of $115.
DinoGenics: Controlled Chaos and 2nd Printing completes its Kickstarter on Thursday, August 8th and tentatively ships in February 2020.