Kickstart This! #63: Dice Throne Adventures & Season One: Rerolled

Designers: Gavan Brown (Brass: Birmingham, JAB: Realtime Boxing, Super Motherload), Nate Chatellier (Dice Throne: Season One, Dice Throne: Season Two – Battle Chest, Dice Throne: Season Two – Gunslinger v. Samurai), Manny Tremblay (Dice Throne: Season One, Dice Throne: Season Two – Battle Chest, Dice Throne: Season Two – Gunslinger v. Samurai)
Artists: Gavan Brown (Dice Throne: Season Two – Battle Chest, Eminent Domain, Super Motherload), Damien Mammoliti (Brass: Birmingham, Brass: Lancashire, Edge of Darkness), Manny Tremblay (Dice Throne: Season One, Dice Throne: Season Two – Battle Chest, Dice Throne: Season Two – Gunslinger v. Samurai)
Publisher: Roxley (Brass: Birmingham, Brass: Lancashire, Dice Throne: Season One, Dice Throne: Season Two – Battle Chest, Santorini, Steampunk Rally, Super Motherload)
Genre/Mechanisms: campaign game, dice rolling, partnerships, take that, variable player powers
Funding Status: At the time of this posting, Dice Throne Adventures is already fully-funded. In fact, pledges currently total over 13x the initial funding goal, with 13 days left to go on the campaign!
Player Count: 1-4
Solo Mode: yes
Complexity: medium-light
Risk: low
What It’s About: Dice Throne Adventures is a randomized dungeon crawler that can be played as a campaign with “Diablo-style looting” and “non-destructive legacy elements,” and requires Dice Throne characters to play.
How It Works: There’s still no rulebook posted either on the Kickstarter campaign page or on the official BoardGameGeek page for Dice Throne Adventures. Consequently, I can’t provide the streamlined rules summary that I usually do. But taken from the Kickstarter page, I can tell you that gameplay involves: choosing any of the Dice Throne heroes, moving your character around a randomly generated game board of tiles, battling Minions in typical Dice Throne style, earning rewards and loot, permanently upgrading your Hero with deck upgrades, fighting Epic Boss Battles at the end of each chapter (there are currently 4 in the game), and once/if the Mad King is defeated, gaining access to a package of additional secret content that upgrades the game.
Comparisons: Dice Throne itself plays a bit like King of Tokyo, but with a wider and deeper set of mechanics that diversifies gameplay and allows for deeper strategy. Dice Throne Adventures is essentially a dungeon crawler. Perhaps, partly because of the art, one might compare it to, say, Arcadia Quest. But the combination of competitive dice-chucker and the imported into a dungeon crawl system, and then functioning within that system, with “non-destructive legacy elements” no less, seems to be its own thing.
What Should I Pledge?:
$22 Treant vs Ninja Champion Battle Box: the 2 “lost” Season 1 heroes.
$69 Dice Throne Adventures (Champion Edition): with all applicable Rosella Gifts.
$78 Season One: Rerolled Battle Chest: the new Season One Battle Chest (Champion Edition), now including Treant & Ninja, with all applicable Rosella Gifts.
$132 Latest Loot Bundle: includes Dice Throne Adventures (Champion Edition), the Season One: Rerolled Battle Chest (Champion Edition), the Season One Rerolled Promo Pack, and all applicable Rosella Gifts.
$200 Gameplay Bundle Only: includes everything in the Latest Loot Bundle pledge, plus Dice Throne: Season Two (Champion Edition) and the Season Two Promo Pack.
$210 Epic Collector (unpainted minis): includes everything in the Gameplay Bundle Only pledge, plus the Treant & Ninja Card Sleeve Bundle, the Dice Tray, the Dice Throne Adventures Playmat, and the Season One & Two unpainted miniatures.
$231 Epic Collector: exactly the same as Epic Collector (unpainted minis), but with pre-painted minis.
$319 Legendary Collector (unpainted minis): includes everything in the Epic Collector (unpainted minis) pledge, plus the Season One & Two Card Sleeve Bundles, the Dice Throne Adventures Card Sleeve Bundle,
$340 Legendary Collector: exactly the same as Legendary Collector (unpainted minis), but with pre-painted minis.
$25 Season One Sleeves – Original 6 Heroes (300 sleeves)
$35 Season Two Sleeves – 8 Heroes (400 sleeves)
$10 Treant vs Ninja Sleeves – 2 Heroes (100 sleeves)
$20 Dice Throne Adventures Fallen Sleeves (168 sleeves)
$15 Collapsible Dice Tray
$35 Season One Painted Minis
$23 Season One Unpainted Minis
$35 Season Two Painted Minis
$23 Season Two Unpainted Minis
$60 Season One & Season Two Painted Minis
$20 Neoprene Playmat (choose from 20 different styles)
$89 additional copies of Season Two (Champion Edition)
$4 Season One Rerolled: Promo Pack:
$4 Season Two Promo Pack
$22 Treant vs Ninja Battle Box (Champion Edition)
KS Exclusives:
None specified. But apart from retailers pledging for Kickstarter versions of the game, Roxley has stated that the eventual retail copies will not include some combination of the following: vac tray design, “swirl” dice, spot varnish, linen finish, and premium dials.
All-In Total: In the continental U.S. you’re looking at $340 for he Legendary Collector plus $19 in shipping, for a total of $359.
However, if you think the dice tray, playmat, and sleeves are all unnecessary (maybe you have cheaper sleeves from somewhere else), instead consider the $200 Gameplay Bundle Only with the Season One & Two pre-painted minis added on for $60. This will cover everything except for the dice tray, playmat and sleeves; including $17 in shipping, it will instead run you $277.
Dice Throne Adventures & Season One: Rerolled! completes its Kickstarter on Thursday, August 8th and tentatively ships in July 2020.