Previously, On Kickstarter… #87

(or here’s a list of what launched yesterday that might deserve a closer look)
Project: Rome & Roll
Designers: Nick Shaw (Cerebria: The Inside World, Welcome to Dino World), David Turczi (Anachrony, Cerebria: The Inside World, Kitchen Rush)
Artist: Kalissa Fitzgerald
Publisher: PSC Games (The Great War, Quartermaster General: 1914, Quartermaster General: Victory or Death – The Peloponnesian War)
Genre/Mechanisms: dice rolling, line drawing, miniatures, paper-and-pencil, variable player powers
Player Count: 1-4
Solo Mode: yes
Complexity: medium-heavy
Risk: medium-low
Summary: A crunchy roll & write game set in Ancient Rome with enough diverse variable player abilities to really distinguish itself from the pack.
Base Pledge (w/shipping): $40
All-In (w/shipping): $40, same as above
Campaign Ends: 11/4
Game Ships: May 2020
Funding Status: Funded; currently at 317%, with 20 days to go.