Previously, On Kickstarter… #729

(or here’s a list of what launched yesterday that might deserve a closer look)
Project: Find the Source
Designer: József Csirke
Artist: Buzzkill
Publisher: Animus Magnus Games
Genre/Mechanisms: action points, area movement, chaining, cooperative game, deduction, dice, dice rolling, multiple maps, once-per-game abilities, paper-and-pencil, pattern recognition, print & play, re-rolling & locking, roll-and-write, scenario / mission / campaign game, science fiction, solo / solitaire game, tech trees / tech tracks
Player Count: 1-3
Solo Mode: yes
Complexity: medium-light
Risk: medium-high
Summary: “Each turn you use two dice to determine how many actions you have. You can use your actions to activate a location, move around, eliminate agents, search a location, get ammo and hack an area. However, the Source will generate energy depending on your actions. The more powerful the effects you activate, the more energy the system will receive. You can also upgrade your character depending on the dice and location you choose, making you more and more effective in 5 different segments of the game. You win the game by finding out which location has the Source and eliminating all agents from that location. But you will fail if you run out of health or if the Source’s energy bar is fully charged. But you can’t just play alone. If you print out several identical boards and each get their own dice set and pencils, up to three of you can embark on a cooperative adventure. And if you’re looking for a particularly tough challenge, there’s a game mode for that. Now heading to the Source.”
Base Pledge (w/shipping): $5
All-In (w/shipping): $5, same as above
Campaign Ends: 1/12
Game Ships: June 2023
Funding Status: Funded; currently at 3,106% with 28 days to go.
Project: Riftlands & Guild Academies of Valeria
Designer: Stan Kordonskiy (Dice Hospital, Endless Winter: Paleoamericans, Rurik: Dawn of Kiev)
Artist: Mihajlo Dimitrievski (Architects of the West Kingdom, Imperium: Classics, Paladins of the West Kingdom, Raiders of the North Sea, Viscounts of the West Kingdom)
Publisher: Daily Magic Games (Quests of Valeria, Valeria: Card Kingdoms, Villages of Valeria)
Genre/Mechanisms: action drafting, contracts, dice, dice rolling, end game bonuses, fantasy, modular board, open drafting, tile placement, worker placement with dice workers, worker placement with different worker types (Guild Academies of Valeria); area majority / influence, dice, dice rolling, die icon resolution, expansion, fantasy, open drafting, roles with asymmetric information, set collection, worker placement (Shadow Kingdoms of Valeria: Riftlands)
Player Count: 2-4 (Guild Academies of Valeria); 2-5 (Shadow Kingdoms of Valeria: Riftlands)
Solo Mode: no
Complexity: medium-heavy
Risk: low
Summary: “Guild Academies of Valeria uses action selection, dice drafting and dice manipulation (Students), tile drafting, resource management and engine building (Academies), contract fulfillment (Quests), and a unique system where players choose which game aspects they want to score (Council Ministers) to bring a new aspect of the Valeria Universe to life. You and your fellow Headmasters are trying to build out your academies, recruit the best students, hire talented guildmasters, and influence important council ministers. Only select graduates can be tasked to fulfill quests ordered by the King, while the so-so graduates are sent to the capital city to make their own way.
For years the humans, elves, and dwarves have been slowly encroaching on your territories and slaying your kind in the name of progress. They’ve built their citadels, keeps, and villages as they push you further into the darkness. Now is the time to rally your troops and lay waste to their kind and bring forth the reign of the Shadow Kingdoms. You are a Warden hungry for the destruction of Valeria. You must outwit the other Wardens to earn the right to command an army for the Shadow Kingdoms. Visit dark Shrines to gain minions, magic, gems, and gold to fuel your war machine. Command monsters into battle to conquer the lands and earn Victory Points. Riftlands introduces two powerful and thematic asymmetrical powers for each monster-kin race. One is active at the start of the game and the other can be unlocked when you complete a Battle Plan. A new set collection mechanic is added to Shadow Kingdoms through the 30 Relic cards you can acquire in the Riftlands, and each relic also has a unique power to further the player asymmetries. An additional 15 new Champion cards are also added to leverage the new mechanics and ideas presented in the Riftlands expansion.”
Base Pledge (w/shipping): $31
All-In (w/shipping): $166
Campaign Ends: 1/6
Game Ships: Dec. 2023
Funding Status: Funded; currently at 506% with 22 days to go.