Previously, On Kickstarter… #611

(or here’s a list of what launched yesterday that might deserve a closer look)
Project: Of Death, Honor, and Glory: Surviving the G.A.M.E. Expansion
Designer: Duane Moore
Artists: Adrian Alejo, Daud Shaheed Kirk, Duane Moore, Joakim Olofsson (This Is Not a Test: Post-Apocalyptic Skirmish Rules), Ronald Risco, Denise Roos, Ahmed Shafaq
Publisher: Duane Moore
Genre/Mechanisms: card game, deck building, fighting, player elimination, science fiction, variable player powers
Player Count: 1-4
Solo Mode: yes
Complexity: medium-light
Risk: HIGH
Summary: “A sci-fi survival deck builder. In Surviving the GAME you choose to be a Soldier, Biogene, or Cyborg. You then build a deck around that character to best help you survive the obstacles you face. Unlike most deck builders, there is a play area to represent where you are in the GAME. You may move forward or backward by the rules to earn rewards. Like most deck builders, at the end, the one with the most victory points is the winner. Unfortunately only those who live get to count. The expansion adds a new character ID with 3 separate sub-types: Karate, Kung Fu, and Ninjutsu. There are also 2 new upgrade types, Martial and Chi, along with new Unarmed Combat upgrades. All of the new upgrades have varied effects when paired with the new characters ID sub-types. Finally, there is a new Obstacle for the first 4 levels along with ninjas, martial arts masters, and a new trap.”
Base Pledge (w/shipping): $20
All-In (w/shipping): $74
Campaign Ends: 6/26
Game Ships: Feb. 2023
Funding Status: Currently at 1% with 31 days to go.