Previously, On Kickstarter… #547

(or here’s a list of what launched yesterday that might deserve a closer look)
Project: Evolution: New World
Designers: Dmitry Knorre (Evolution, Evolution: Climate, Evolution: The Origin of the Species), Sergey Machin (Evolution, Evolution: Climate, Evolution: The Origin of the Species), Fydor Myachin
Artists: Maria Efremova, Alexandra Karenskaya
Publisher: CrowD Games (City of the Great Machine, Deep State: New World Order, Winter Queen)
Genre/Mechanisms: animals, card game, dice, dice rolling, hand management
Player Count: 2-4
Solo Mode: no
Complexity: medium-light
Risk: medium-low
Summary: “An updated and extended version of the basic Evolution: The Origin of Species game. It includes both well-known animal traits and new ones, complete with refined descriptions and colorful illustrations. Food is now generated using Area cards, and animals can use shelter to hide from predators.”
Base Pledge (w/shipping): $47
All-In (w/shipping): $65
Campaign Ends: 2/25
Game Ships: Dec. 2022
Funding Status: Funded; currently at 215% with 21 days to go.
Project: Patria Libre: The Struggle for Mexican Independence
Designer: Saul Sanchez (Tierra y Libertad, el juego revolucionario, Tierra y Libertad: The Mexican Revolution Game Second Edition)
Artists: Irene Cano, Carlos Chable, Crazy Plub Studio, Alejo Feola
Publisher: Malinche Games (Tierra y Libertad: The Mexican Revolution Game Second Edition)
Genre/Mechanisms: area majority / influence, area movement, civil war, command cards, hand management, order counters, wargame
Player Count: 1-4
Solo Mode: yes
Complexity: medium-light
Risk: HIGH
Summary: “A game that recreate the historic events occurred in Mexico (New Spain) 1810–1821 between the Insurgents who sought to separate from Spain and the Royalists who tried to prevent it. It is played with two sides, insurgents and royalists. Use orders that will allow you to recruit, move, attack, and level-up your units, collect taxes or gain victory points, build a stronghold, or buy event or character cards. You must control key regions and use cards akin to your faction. Climbing rising in popularity will help a lot. Cards are essential. With them you can buy characters that joins your faction or event cards that will grant you interesting rewards. Popularity is very important in this game, if you have the support of the people, you will be able to strongly link your orders; however, without the peoples’ approval, your cause will dwindle. Historically, characters changed factions, this is also true in the game. So a few characters may change their minds over time, according to their preferences, sadly joining the opposing side.”
Base Pledge (w/shipping): $50
All-In (w/shipping): $83
Campaign Ends: 2/28
Game Ships: Oct. 2022
Funding Status: Currently at 85% with 25 days to go.
Project: Spacers: Space Adventure Board Game
Designer: Tyler Pierce
Artist: Tyler Pierce
Publisher: Game Shrine
Genre/Mechanisms: adventures, events, hexagon grid, pick-up and deliver, science fiction, space exploration, variable set-up
Player Count: 1-4
Solo Mode: yes
Complexity: medium-light
Risk: HIGH
Summary: “You are a spacer; a freelance space traveler in a brand new solar system. You have a ship, a handful of spacebucks, and a wealth of opportunities. Spacers is a space adventure game where the goal is to become the most famous traveler in the solar system. You are free to earn fame in a variety of different ways, allowing you to live out the space adventure fantasy that you want. Engage in pick-up and deliver tasks, dice-based combat missions, and even choose-you-own-adventure style encounters!”
Base Pledge (w/shipping): $60
All-In (w/shipping): $70
Campaign Ends: 3/4
Game Ships: Sep. 2022
Funding Status: Currently at 12% with 28 days to go.