Previously, On Kickstarter… #298

(or here’s a list of what launched yesterday that might deserve a closer look)

Project: Bivouac

Designer: Kris VanBogelen

Artist: Jordan Rauh

Publisher: Sly Game Design

Genre/Mechanisms: end game bonuses, turn order: claim action, worker placement

Player Count: 2-4

Solo Mode: no

Complexity: light

Risk: HIGH

Summary: “A camp-themed board game that tasks players with creating their own Camp/Retreat Center. The game is played over 13 rounds represented by the months of the year. Players utilize workers to gather resources, build amenities, add activities, recruit donors, obtain donor gifts, hire more workers, staff usable cards, and earn money/victory points.”

Base Pledge (w/shipping): $49

All-In (w/shipping): $109, includes extras & vanity rewards

Campaign Ends: 12/6

Game Ships: June 2021

Funding Status: Currently at 49% with 26 days to go.

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