Previously, On Kickstarter… #209

(or here’s a list of what launched yesterday that might deserve a closer look)

Project:  Jane Austen’s Revenge

Designer:  Richard Wolfrik Galland (Game of Blame, Hour of Glory: Stronghold Kit, Jane Austen’s Matchmaker)

Artist:  Emily Hare (Game of Blame, Jane Austen’s Matchmaker)

Publisher:  Sabrewolf (Jane Austen’s Matchmaker: Chapter Two)

Genre/Mechanisms:  card game, dice rolling, expansion, hand management, take that

Player Count:  2-4

Solo Mode:  no

Complexity:  light

Risk:  medium-high

Summary:  “In Matchmaker, you take characters under your wing and try to find them suitable partners. Some characters want to fall in hopelessly in love but others are more pragmatic – or just plain mercenary! The new expansion (to Jane Austen’s Matchmaker: Chapter Two) lets you settle scores with your fellow social climbers. Finish the game holding as few grudges as possible and watch your rivals seethe in their vexation.”

Base Pledge (w/shipping):  $19

All-In (w/shipping):  $38, also includes the base game, Jane Austen’s Matchmaker: Chapter Two

Campaign Ends:  7/7

Game Ships:  Aug. 2020

Funding Status: Currently at 78%, with 27 days to go.

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