Previously, On Kickstarter… #173

(or here’s a list of what launched yesterday that might deserve a closer look)

Project:  All the Goodest Puppers

Designer:  Chris Cieslik (One Deck Dungeon, Red7, We Didn’t Playtest This Either)

Artist:  Cari Corene (1001 Odysseys, Spirit Island)

Publisher:  Asmadi Games (Innovation, Mottainai, One Deck Dungeon, Red7)

Genre/Mechanisms:  card drafting, card game, end game bonuses, selection order bid, set collection

Player Count:  2-4

Solo Mode:  no

Complexity:  light

Risk:  medium-low

Summary:  “Amass an adorable pile of dogs who will bury valuable, valuable bones that are worth points.”

Base Pledge (w/shipping):  $10

All-In (w/shipping):  $101, include canvas print

Campaign Ends:  4/30

Game Ships:  Aug. 2020

Funding Status: Currently at 53%, with 20 days to go.

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