Kickstart This! #73: Adventure Tactics: Domianne’s Tower

Designer: Nicholas Yu (Eternal Dynasty, Hero Brigade)
Artists: Anna Bereza (Doctor Who: Exterminate! The Miniatures Game), Michael Cofer (Dino Dude Ranch, Dirigible Disaster, Groves), Dawson Cowals, Jacob Croft, Adrienne Ezell (Coma Ward, Leaders of Euphoria: Choose a Better Oppressor, Shogunate), Jason D. Kingsley (Dead Men Tell No Tales, Lanterns: The Harvest Festival, Machi Koro, Wasteland Express Delivery Service), Calico Maher, Heriberto Valle Martinez, Alisha Volkman (Landed, Parkies, Underlings of Underwing)
Publisher: Letiman Games (Dino Dude Ranch, Groves, Matryoshka)
Genre/Mechanisms: campaign driven, cooperative play, deck building, dice rolling, grid movement, miniatures, role playing
Funding Status: At the time of this posting, Adventure Tactics: Domianne’s Tower is already fully-funded. In fact, pledges currently total more than 2.5x the initial funding goal with 4 days left to go on the campaign.
Player Count: 1-5
Solo Mode: yes
Complexity: medium-light
Risk: medium-high
What It’s About: An encounter-based, campaign-driven, cooperative deck-builder with 5 starting classes and 15 elite classes.
How It Works: Adventure Tactics is “a stream-lined dungeon-crawler with a great focus on character customization” (Tony Mastranoeli) and “a wonderful mix of cute art, character-building, and encounters” (Lizzy Funkhauser). It features a branching, choose-your-own-adventure campaign storyline, with each game lasting about 45-60 minutes, and five different potential endings depending on choices and gameplay. Players pick their characters, take the associated cards, and then level up and increase their abilities as they play. Each round, players will draw cards, determine initiative order, take player & boss turns, and then perform cleanup. On their turn, players can take up to 2 actions, such as: Play or Discard an Action card; Equip an Accessory, Weapon, or Armor card, or Prepare a Class Feature. Rounds continue until the end-game condition of the particular scenario have been met.
Comparisons: Adventure Tactics is a hybrid of narrative story-telling and dungeon-crawling, with an emphasis on tactics. Lighter and more manageable than something like Gloomhaven or Middara, but with more narrative choices and story than you might find in retail dungeon crawlers like Descent. I’m guessing the best comparison may be something like the also recently-Kickstarted Dice Throne Adventures (not Dice Throne itself, but the new Adventures dungeon-crawler using the Dice Throne characters and mechanics as a launching point). Both that game and Adventure Tactics are aiming for less cumbersome dungeon-crawling experience with a lesser barrier-to-entry, vibrant cartoon art, and an impactful relation to the storytelling.
What Should I Pledge?:
$75 Heroic Adventurer: a copy of the base game & all unlocked base game stretch goals.
$90 Elite Hero: the Heroic Adventurer pledge, plus Hero Pack 1 (includes the Engineer, Magic Blade, and Time Mage classes), the Queen Domianne miniature figure, and all unlocked Hero Pack Stretch Goals.
There were several waves of pledge levels with pre-painted minis, but they’ve all sold out (they were only 30 backers each), and evidently they won’t be offering any more.
KS Exclusives:
All-In Total: In the continental U.S. you’re looking at $90 for the Elite Hero pledge plus $5 in shipping for a total of $95.
Adventure Tactics: Domianne’s Tower completes its Kickstarter on Friday, August 23rd and tentatively ships in August 2020.