Kickstart This! #44: Super Fantasy Brawl

Designer: Jochen Eisenhuth

Artists: Stephane Gantiez (Claustrophobia, Codenames, Libertalia, Lords of Xidit, Mythic Battles: Pantheon, Rallyman, Seasons, Snow Tails, Survive: Escape From Atlantis!), Johannes Helgeson, Bayard Wu (Reichbusters: Project Vril, Time of Legends: Joan of Arc)

Publisher: Mythic Games (Mythic Battles: Pantheon, Soloman Kane, Time of Legends: Joan of Arc)

Genre/Mechanisms: 2 players, area movement, grid movement, hand management, miniatures, partnerships, variable player powers

Funding Status: At the time of this posting, Super Fantasy Brawl is already fully-funded.  In fact, pledges currently total more than 16x the initial funding goal.

Player Count: 2, 4

Solo Mode: no

Complexity: medium-heavy

Risk: medium-high

What It’s About: A tactical, fast-paced arena fighting game with card play and miniatures.

How It Works:  The game is intended for 2 players going head to head, but the Super Team Tornado allows for 4 players, 2 players on each team with each player controlling 4 Champions, for a total of 8 on each side. Champions can be chosen by a draft, and the rulebook presents a couple of different draft variants to choose from. Each round consists of each player’s turn, followed by an adjustment to the Challenge Track. On a player’s turn, they complete the Scoreboard, Activation, and Upkeep Phases. The Scoreboard Phase allows players to complete any active challenges, score points, and discard the challenge. The Activation Phase allows players to exhaust their Cores and take actions, including Movement, Attacks, and Standard Actions. The Upkeep Phase allows players to discard their remaining cards, draw back up to 5 cards, and ready their three Cores to be used on defense. Using a Core on defense though, will prevent that Core from being used on the player’s following active turn. The first player to score 5 VPs (or the first team to score 7 VPs in a Super Team Tornado game) wins!

Comparisons:  Two players working together on each team reminds me of Cerebria. But other than that (and some very cool miniatures), the two games have little in common. Some other popular combat/miniature games include Blood Rage, Mechs vs. Minions, and Star Wars: Rebellion.

What Should I Pledge?:
$49 Superfan!: the core box, all unlocked stretch goals, and the Game Trayz exclusive box layout.
$89 Master Wizard!: the Superfan! pledge, plus the Neo-Kit, the Sleeve-Kit, and the Force of Nature Expansion.

$15 Force of Nature Expansion: 3 new miniatures with 7 cards each, plus a Game Trayz miniature tray.
$15 The Sleeve-Kit: includes 120 standard poker card size sleeves & 15 mini-poker size sleeves.
$15 The Neo-Kit: include 4 neoprene player mats and a neoprene main board mat.

KS Exclusives:
The Core Kickstarter Box includes 12 Champions with miniatures. At retail, it will only contain 6, and the other 6 Champions will be split into 2 separate expansions, the Circle of Blood and the Art of War, each containing 3 Champions for an MSRP of $25. The plastic tokens will also be sold separately for $15, bringing the retail cost to $110. Retail copies will also not include the Game Trayz products or any of the neoprene mats.

All-In Total: In the continental U.S. you’re looking at $89 for the Master Wizard! Pledge, $45 for the three Add-Ons, and approximately $20 in shipping, for a grand total of $154.

Super Fantasy Brawl completes its Kickstarter on Wednesday, July 3rd and tentatively ships in March 2020.

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