Kickstart This! #267:  Dining with Dracula

Designers:  Laura Dorila (Moonshiners of the Apocalypse), Giuliano Draguleanu (Moonshiners of the Apocalypse), Andreea Georgescu

Artist: Mihai Mihail

Publisher:  2Fat2Fly (Moonshiners of the Apocalypse)

Genre/Mechanisms: time track; worker placement; worker placement, different worker types

Funding Status: At the time of this posting, Dining With Dracula is already fully-funded. Pledges currently total more than the initial funding goal with 5 days left to go on the campaign.

Player Count: 2-4

Solo Mode: no

Complexity: light

Risk: medium-high

What It’s About: “A family-friendly blood draining worker placement & time management adventure, where Dracula’s relatives compete to inherit his empire.”

How It Works: “As one of the long-lost great grandsons and granddaughters of Dracula, your goal is to trick the poor Old Count and convince him that you deserve to inherit both his empire and the infamous name of Dracula.”

“You’ll move your Hero to locations on the board and collect resources or repair the broken-down Souvenir Stands on Dracula’s domain. Or even better, hypnotize tourists to do your bidding, gaining 2 actions on your turn instead of 1. When using a Tourist, you choose one of the face-up Tourist Ability cards. If you manage to match your action with the power of one of the cards, you can add even more power to your move.”

“Each action you take costs time on the communal clock. Once the clock strikes midnight, the round ends and it’s time for dinner with Dracula. For dinner, bring sheep, packs of blood, or even a naive Tourist, and make your way to Dracula nad his fancy dinner. Because only at dinner can you convert your achievements of the day into actual Victory Points. You only have 4 rounds to earn Dracula’s affection and the right to inherit his domain by collecting the most Victory Points by the end of the game.”

Comparisons: Some other highly-thematic medium-light worker placement games include Champions of Midgard, Charterstone, Dice Hospital, Ex Libris, The Godfather: Corleone’s Empire, Lords of Waterdeep, and Raiders of the North Sea.

What Should I Pledge?:
$59 Dracula’s Feast: includes a copy of the game with all unlocked stretch goals.

$3 Dracula’s Metal Coin (first player marker)

KS Exclusives

All-In Total: In the continental U.S. you’re looking at $59 for the Dracula’s Feast pledge, $3 for Dracula’s Metal Coin, and $12 in shipping for a total of $74.

Dining With Dracula completes its Kickstarter on Thursday, September 10th and tentatively ships in August 2021.

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