Previously, On Kickstarter… #203

(or here’s a list of what launched yesterday that might deserve a closer look)

Project:  Inca Empire: The Card Game

Designer:  Alan D. Ernstein (Ars Mysteriorum, Inca Empire, Tahunatinsuyu)

Artist:  Maura Elko

Publisher:  DPH Games Inc. (Affliction: Salem 1692, The Gate of R’lyeh, Psychological Warfare)

Genre/Mechanisms:  card drafting, card game, tile placement, trading

Player Count:  2-5

Solo Mode:  no

Complexity:  medium-light

Risk:  medium-high

Summary:  A card game version of Inca Empire, where players “will be constructing Cities and Colcas (storehouses that contain fish, corn, and potatoes) between cities, connected by a road system that players build out from the capital city of Cusco.”

Base Pledge (w/shipping):  $29

All-In (w/shipping):  $29, same as above

Campaign Ends:  6/12

Game Ships:  Aug. 2020

Funding Status: Funded; currently at 118%, with 14 days to go.

Project:  Sea of Plunder

Designer:  Rusty Lumpkin

Artist:  Lynn Hazen

Publisher:  Three Nail Games, LLC

Genre/Mechanisms:  adventure, dice rolling, grid movement, hand management, hidden victory points, moving multiple units, pattern movement, racing, set collection, square grid, take that, variable player powers

Player Count:  2-4

Solo Mode:  no

Complexity:  medium-light

Risk:  HIGH

Summary:  “A light strategy game about treasure hunting where players are merchant ships sailing across the endless sea, racing to get to mysterious treasure islands while gathering goods from port cities, dodging pirates, getting pushed around by hurricanes, and stealing cargo from the other merchants and treasure hunters.”

Base Pledge (w/shipping):  $45

All-In (w/shipping):  $48

Campaign Ends:  7/1

Game Ships:  Jan. 2021

Funding Status: Currently at 53%, with 33 days to go.

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